
Vaidyamanorama, a Kerala based ancient ayurvedic texts were referred mainly by the Ashtavaidya families for treatments. It was first published by Vayaskara N.S.Mooss in the year 1944 with interpretation is written by famous scholar Cheppad Achutha Warrier. Details of treatments for Jwara to Vatashonita are mentioned in this book. Eventhough main focus of this text is on Kayachikitsa, treatments for Ura:kshataadi, krusha-sthoola chikitsa, Sthri Roga, Bala chikitsa, Manasika chikitsa are also detailed. Details of Kerala based yogas and its importance are also included in this text.
It’s a very good referral for research scholars and ayurveda doctors.
The text is re-published by Unni Mooss Foundation.