Unni Mooss Day 2009

Sub: Chakradattam – Studies and Usages
“Chakradatta” is one of the great treatise composed by Shri Chakrapanidatta, the well -known Tikakarta of Charak Samhita. Chakradatta holds an important place amongst academicians, researchers and students of Rasashastra. Many verses of Chakradatta are derived from 50 sources. Its main aim was to present it as an up to date text of Ayurveda medicine for the benefit of ailing mankind. The uniqueness of Chakradatta is in the description of several metallic and mercurial preparations for the purpose of internal use as medications.
Panel members and Participants;
Dr.Anitha Jacob, Ashtavaidyan Alathiyur Narayanan Nambi, Dr.C.D.Sahadevan, Dr.K.Murali, Dr.Sasikumar Nechiyil, Dr.Manoj Sankaranarayana, Dr.Susheela Saji, Dr.Arunkumar etc.