Manufacturing Unit

SNA Oushadhasala commenced its journey way back in 1920. It was established by the great Ayurveda Physician Thrissur Thaikat Unnimooss. In the beginning, it was a small manufacturing unit producing ready-to-use classical ayurvedic formulations that catered the needs of the family physician. But, later extended its services to other Ashtavaidyas also. Subsequently it widened its area of operation to other parts of the state.
At present, SNA has two modern manufacturing units with a dedicated & well-trained workforce. First unit is in the heart of Thrissur Town where main processing, packing, storage & distribution etc. are conducted. Second unit is in the suburb of Thrissur town namely Arimbur. Here activities connected with the raw materials ie. procurement, sorting, cleaning, storing, pre-processing etc. are conducted. Both these plants are a combination of traditional techniques and modern technology. By following the WHO’s guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), SNA received GMP certification for good quality products of international standard.
All the preparations are manufactured under the supervision of experienced Ashtavaidyas with laboratorial tests carried out by the quality control department. Hence, it assures the time tested traditional physical parameters with lab tested chemical and pharmacological parameters. All the medicines are manufactured and packed in the most hygienic conditions.

Ashtavaidyan Thrissur Thaikatmooss
SNA Oushadhasala Pvt. Ltd.
PB No: 718, Moosspet Road,
East Fort, Thrissur- 680 005, Kerala,
India, Tel: (91-487) – 2444948, 2420948,

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